Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

Ten on Tuesday today is 10 Favorite Smells!!
  1. A baby just out of the bath tub.  Nothing smells sweeter!
  2. Lilacs.  Nothing says June like the smell of Lilacs in the air
  3. Any kind of baking.  The house smells delicious when anything is baking in the oven
  4. Sheets that have been dried on the clothesline.  A good nights sleep is almost guaranteed
  5. Fresh cut grass
  6. Coffee brewing.  I don't drink coffee, but love the smell
  7. My grandmother's laundry.  I don't know if it's a combination of her water, detergent and fabric softener, but her clean laundry smell is amazing.  I have a t shirt of my grandfather's in a zip lock bag.....
  8. Wood burning.  A fireplace in the fall or a campfire in the summer
  9. Roses, especially wild roses
  10. Mud...only in the spring.  It's the smell that tells me that spring is really here!
Wanna play along?  Sign up here! Carole always comes up with great ideas that really gets your mind thinking!!
Thanks to Carole Knits for getting this organized every week!


  1. Nice list. I love the smell of burning wood. Brings back campfire memories from Girl Scouts.
