It has been ages since I have actually taken out my camera. With everything going on my camera is the last thing that I have had the energy to do is take pictures. Over the summer I took very few photos and now that I've upgraded my phone to an iPhone I find myself using that more than anything.
I was over at My Organized Chaos and there is a Great Giveaway for a Kelly Moore Stylish Camera Bag. There are some really great ones and I might be inclined to carry my camera around more if I had this Libby Bag in Sapphire.
Head over and have a look!!
What is your favorite bag??
I'm just a regular girl living with depression..looking for some balance!!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Back to Blogging!
It has been a few months since I have sat down and actually blogged about anything. I have to apologize for that. There have been so many changes since I last blogged that I really don't know where to start.
When I started this blog and came up with the title I had a some idea where I wanted life to take me. I have started on that journey and will update all of the changes over the next little bit.
In my last post back in August I mentioned that I was returning to work. That has turned out to be one of the best decisions I have made in a long time. I am working full time and loving every minute of it. I returned to an old employer and have settled back into selling furniture. I absolutely love it!! When I emailed my old boss and asked about returning he sent me a one word reply and that one word was "Absolutely". It has been awesome to work in a company where your work is rewarded with high fives when sales are good and you are given encouragement along the way. Looking back I have to wonder if I should have returned years ago instead of taking the office job that partially contributed to my depression worsening. Hindsight is 20/20 so they say.
During my stay on the Island this past summer I made many decisions. One was returning to work and the other was to end my marriage. We have had many issues in the past and I realized over the last year that when we were apart I was a much happier person. I don't know if I have ever mentioned that I am married to an alcoholic. Although he never misses a day of work and the bills are always paid he is an alcoholic just the same. I can live with a beer after work, but 48+ bottles of beer bought weekly just is too much. In August Jo was away for a few nights and we finally sat down and talked it out. I suppose I talked and he listened. He promised to quit drinking and so far he has, but it's too little too late. He has not had a drink that I'm aware of since August 29th. This is not the first time he has quit and he might really mean it this time, but I am done. I cannot live with the thought that he might start again. He does know that if he does start again that his access to Jo will be severely limited. We have come up with a joint custody agreement and that will be pulled from him if his sobriety doesn't last. He is a wonderful father and we both want what's best for Jo and in his words he said that he has already lost too much and will do everything he can to keep Jo. There of course is more to our separation than just the alcohol, but that is the main reason. I have stayed this long because of our child, but we are doing her no favors by staying together for no other reason than her.
It has taken me many years to find the courage to leave. We separated in 2000 and then we were just about to separate when we found out about Jo. I returned to work when she was 2 with the intention of leaving then, but didn't have the self confidence to go. Life was simper to stay, easier.... Self esteem and self confidence have become part of me and I'm on my way!
Life...It's a Work in Progress
Stay's progressing!!!
When I started this blog and came up with the title I had a some idea where I wanted life to take me. I have started on that journey and will update all of the changes over the next little bit.
In my last post back in August I mentioned that I was returning to work. That has turned out to be one of the best decisions I have made in a long time. I am working full time and loving every minute of it. I returned to an old employer and have settled back into selling furniture. I absolutely love it!! When I emailed my old boss and asked about returning he sent me a one word reply and that one word was "Absolutely". It has been awesome to work in a company where your work is rewarded with high fives when sales are good and you are given encouragement along the way. Looking back I have to wonder if I should have returned years ago instead of taking the office job that partially contributed to my depression worsening. Hindsight is 20/20 so they say.
During my stay on the Island this past summer I made many decisions. One was returning to work and the other was to end my marriage. We have had many issues in the past and I realized over the last year that when we were apart I was a much happier person. I don't know if I have ever mentioned that I am married to an alcoholic. Although he never misses a day of work and the bills are always paid he is an alcoholic just the same. I can live with a beer after work, but 48+ bottles of beer bought weekly just is too much. In August Jo was away for a few nights and we finally sat down and talked it out. I suppose I talked and he listened. He promised to quit drinking and so far he has, but it's too little too late. He has not had a drink that I'm aware of since August 29th. This is not the first time he has quit and he might really mean it this time, but I am done. I cannot live with the thought that he might start again. He does know that if he does start again that his access to Jo will be severely limited. We have come up with a joint custody agreement and that will be pulled from him if his sobriety doesn't last. He is a wonderful father and we both want what's best for Jo and in his words he said that he has already lost too much and will do everything he can to keep Jo. There of course is more to our separation than just the alcohol, but that is the main reason. I have stayed this long because of our child, but we are doing her no favors by staying together for no other reason than her.
It has taken me many years to find the courage to leave. We separated in 2000 and then we were just about to separate when we found out about Jo. I returned to work when she was 2 with the intention of leaving then, but didn't have the self confidence to go. Life was simper to stay, easier.... Self esteem and self confidence have become part of me and I'm on my way!
Life...It's a Work in Progress
Stay's progressing!!!
Friday, August 12, 2011
An update!
I have been crazy busy for the last little bit and blogging from my BlackBerry is just a pain. The buttons are just too small!
Jo and I spent a week together without Hubby and went to Manitoulin Island and then to our trailer for a few days! It was an amazing week.
I am off and running for today, I have a million things to do and there just aren't enough hours in the day!!!
Jo and I spent a week together without Hubby and went to Manitoulin Island and then to our trailer for a few days! It was an amazing week.
- Jo was able to have an awesome time with all the kids on the Island
- She went fishing and caught a Bast (bass) that jumped into the boat on her line
- She went to Bridal Veil Falls and had a great time
- I got to tour part of the Island on a motorcycle. I haven't been on one since highschool and aside from the burn from the exhaust pipe on my leg it was awesome
- I got to spend time with some near and dear friends
- I finally got to meet Chrissy from Random Thoughts and Musings from the Island and had a wonderful lunch with her! We have known each other online for years and live a mere 2 hours from each other!
- Maya was able to run free and got along with all the other dogs!!
I am off and running for today, I have a million things to do and there just aren't enough hours in the day!!!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
On Vacation!!
Just a quick note! I'm still here enjoying some time at camp with no internet and bad cell service. Kids are having a great time as am I!!
I will be bacl to proper blogging as soon as we have a rainy day!!
I will be bacl to proper blogging as soon as we have a rainy day!!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Rambling this Morning
I have a couple of ideas running through my head. They have been there for the last few days, I'm just not sure how to get them into words to write about them. One of the titles I thought of was "Am I Just too Sensitive?" I think sometimes I am.
Why do I think I'm too sensitive?? Here's a little background and some of the story.
Before hubby and I met, he was in a common law relationship that lasted 7 or 8 years. She wasn't very nice when they separated and he ended up losing his shirt while she walked away with everything she wanted. I met hubby just as their house was being sold and once that chapter was finished we started out own life together. Over the years, we have seen her and her hubby at various places, sat and had a drink with them and hubby even did a bunch of work for her when they added on to their home years ago. When hubby's niece was pregnant with her first child, I invited the his ex to the shower that I hosted here in my home. Regardless of what happened in the past, she is still thought of as an aunt to some of the kids in the family and I have no problem with that. There are divorced aunts and uncles in my family that are still considered family. Sometimes when hubby's brother and wife come to town they stay at her house. The fact that they stay there normally doesn't bother me except for this last visit. After our day in Tobermory we spent the weekend at camp and on Sunday we came home. Hubby's brother and wife had come here and off loaded their quad and had gone blueberry picking. When they got back here they proceeded to leave the quad here, charge the battery with our hydro and leave their gear in the garage and then left. Monday morning they arrive back here and get ready to take off to go berry picking again. They unplug the charger and leave it laying in the driveway, leave a patch of oil on the asphalt driveway and take off. Hubby comes home and is livid with the mess that was left here and wonders why they couldn't have left the mess at her place. His feelings are hurt which in turn bothers me. That night his brother shows up to get his truck and ramps and doesn't even come in to say hello to anyone. Hubby is feeling hurt again.
Tuesday night they stop in to say goodbye and I make a comment about the mess that was left and it gets laughed off. Hubby won't even tell his brother that he is pissed off. We say our good byes and they are gone.
I probably shouldn't let stuff like this bother me, but I do. When they said they were coming to visit I was told that they had made other arrangements to stay elsewhere. They couldn't even come right out and tell me where they were staying.
I wonder sometimes if not for my depression that these kinds of things would just roll of my back and not bother me. Then I think that maybe it really does bother me and the depression has nothing to do with it.
What do you think??? Am I too sensitive??
Why do I think I'm too sensitive?? Here's a little background and some of the story.
Before hubby and I met, he was in a common law relationship that lasted 7 or 8 years. She wasn't very nice when they separated and he ended up losing his shirt while she walked away with everything she wanted. I met hubby just as their house was being sold and once that chapter was finished we started out own life together. Over the years, we have seen her and her hubby at various places, sat and had a drink with them and hubby even did a bunch of work for her when they added on to their home years ago. When hubby's niece was pregnant with her first child, I invited the his ex to the shower that I hosted here in my home. Regardless of what happened in the past, she is still thought of as an aunt to some of the kids in the family and I have no problem with that. There are divorced aunts and uncles in my family that are still considered family. Sometimes when hubby's brother and wife come to town they stay at her house. The fact that they stay there normally doesn't bother me except for this last visit. After our day in Tobermory we spent the weekend at camp and on Sunday we came home. Hubby's brother and wife had come here and off loaded their quad and had gone blueberry picking. When they got back here they proceeded to leave the quad here, charge the battery with our hydro and leave their gear in the garage and then left. Monday morning they arrive back here and get ready to take off to go berry picking again. They unplug the charger and leave it laying in the driveway, leave a patch of oil on the asphalt driveway and take off. Hubby comes home and is livid with the mess that was left here and wonders why they couldn't have left the mess at her place. His feelings are hurt which in turn bothers me. That night his brother shows up to get his truck and ramps and doesn't even come in to say hello to anyone. Hubby is feeling hurt again.
Tuesday night they stop in to say goodbye and I make a comment about the mess that was left and it gets laughed off. Hubby won't even tell his brother that he is pissed off. We say our good byes and they are gone.
I probably shouldn't let stuff like this bother me, but I do. When they said they were coming to visit I was told that they had made other arrangements to stay elsewhere. They couldn't even come right out and tell me where they were staying.
I wonder sometimes if not for my depression that these kinds of things would just roll of my back and not bother me. Then I think that maybe it really does bother me and the depression has nothing to do with it.
What do you think??? Am I too sensitive??
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Macro Mania
This is my favorite time of year for taking photos! When I grow up, I'm gonna get an actual Macro lens for my Canon, but for now my little Lumix rocks!!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
The Ten on Tuesday topic for this week is 10 Favorite Herbs. Fresh or dried, you decide!
Wanna play along? Sign up here! Carole always comes up with great ideas that really gets your mind thinking!!
Thanks to Carole Knits for getting this organized every week!
- Garlic
- Basil
- Oregano
- Rosemary
- Chives
- Sage
- Thyme
- Parsley
- Dill
- Mint
Wanna play along? Sign up here! Carole always comes up with great ideas that really gets your mind thinking!!
Thanks to Carole Knits for getting this organized every week!
Weekend Recap
The weather was perfect! The company was perfect! We had a great time. The only thing I would have done differently would have been to take a sweater on the Glass Bottom Boat Tour. We plan to do it again!!!
We were up at 6am and gone from the trailer by 645 to drive to South Bay Mouth on Manitoulin Island to catch the Ferry over to Tobermory to spend the day. The ferry ride is just under 2 hours and when we arrived we met up with Hubby's brother and family who were spending the weekend. We hung out at their campground, had lunch and then headed back to the docks to get on a glass bottom boat tour. It took 2 hours and we were able to see ship wrecks and toured around Flower Pot Island. You can actually transfer off the Tour Boat onto a Zodiak and spend the day exploring the island or even camp there too! After the tour was done, we found some supper, had some ice cream and explored some of the shops around the water front. We caught the 8pm ferry back to South Bay Mouth and we were back at the trailer by 1130 that night. It made for a very long day, but the kids and the dog were so well behaved and they slept the entire truck ride from the ferry back to camp. What a great way to celebrate our 16th Wedding Anniversay!!!!
We were up at 6am and gone from the trailer by 645 to drive to South Bay Mouth on Manitoulin Island to catch the Ferry over to Tobermory to spend the day. The ferry ride is just under 2 hours and when we arrived we met up with Hubby's brother and family who were spending the weekend. We hung out at their campground, had lunch and then headed back to the docks to get on a glass bottom boat tour. It took 2 hours and we were able to see ship wrecks and toured around Flower Pot Island. You can actually transfer off the Tour Boat onto a Zodiak and spend the day exploring the island or even camp there too! After the tour was done, we found some supper, had some ice cream and explored some of the shops around the water front. We caught the 8pm ferry back to South Bay Mouth and we were back at the trailer by 1130 that night. It made for a very long day, but the kids and the dog were so well behaved and they slept the entire truck ride from the ferry back to camp. What a great way to celebrate our 16th Wedding Anniversay!!!!
Making our way to the dock |
Hubby and his nephew |
Almost at the boat |
On the boat...found the life boats! |
Jo went and got coffee for hubby! |
Flag on the back of the boat |
Front of the boat |
The dog was only allowed on one deck outside! She traveled really well! |
Lighthouse almost in Tobermory |
Heading into the dock in Tobermory |
In South Bay Mouth, the cars drive into the back of the ferry and in Tobermory they exit through the front |
The Ferry |
The boat we took our tour on |
One of the ship wrecks |
The other shipwreck |
This Coast Guard Boat is designed to roll right over in the water! |
I'd be nervous if I was the one in the kayaks!!! |
Lighthouse on Flower Pot Island |
One of the flower pots |
Can you see the face of the old man watching over the lake? |
Sunset heading back to South Bay Mouth |
Almost ready to dock in South Bay Mouth |
Monday, July 4, 2011
And the Winner is.....
I used the Random Number Generator but just can't get the code in right!
#33 was the comment that was chosen!!
Weekend update to follow later today!!!
I used the Random Number Generator but just can't get the code in right!
#33 was the comment that was chosen!!
Weekend update to follow later today!!!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Hooray for Canada and a Giveaway!

I had a comment from Chelsey @ Sowing Dandelion Seeds about my blog post on Depression and Parenting and came across The Great Canadian Blog Bash. The idea is write a Canadian Themed Post and join the party over at Mom vs. The Boys
I'll start with a little bit about me. My blog name is Annie (I'm kinda incognito) and have lived in Northern Ontario my entire life. Tomorrow will mark our 16th wedding anniversary and we have one adorable and spoiled daughter who we call Jo. I'm in my 40's and after almost having a breakdown last year I have returned to the life of a Stay at Home Mom and look after Hubby's books for his business. I enjoy sewing, knitting, making jewelry, reading and Facebook among a whole bunch of other things too!
If we were to drive south we would be about 5 hours from Niagara Falls, 4 hours from The CN Tower, a little less than 4 hours and we can be at Canada's Wonderland. NHL Hockey and MLB Baseball games are close enough to make an overnight or weekend getaway. My hometown is famous for The Big Nickel and we are the largest producer of Nickel in the World.
Here is some Canadian Humor for you!
You might be Canadian if.........
1. You're not offended by the term "HOMO MILK".
2. You understand the phrase "Could you pass me a serviette, I just
dropped my poutine, on the chesterfield."
3. You eat chocolate bars, not candy bars.
4. You drink Pop, not Soda.
5. You know that a Mickey and 24's mean, "party at the camp, eh!!!"
6. You don't care about the fuss with Cuba. It's a cheap place to go for
your holidays, with good cigars.
7. You know that a pike is a type of fish, not part of a highway.
8. You drive on a highway, not a freeway.
9. You have Canadian Tire money in your kitchen drawers.
10. You know that Casey and Finnegan were not part of a Celtic musical
11. You get excited whenever an American television show mentions
12. You brag to Americans that; Shania Twain, Jim Carrey, Celine Dion &
Mike Myers are Canadians.
13. You know that the C.E.O. of American Airlines is a Canadian!
14. You know what a toque is.
15. You design your Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.
16. You know that the last letter of the English alphabet is always
pronounced "Zed".
17. Your local newspaper covers the national news on 2 pages, but
requires 6 pages for hockey.
18. You know that the four seasons mean: almost winter, winter, still
winter, and road work.
19. You know that when it's 25 degrees outside, it's a warm day.
20. You understand the Labatt Blue commercials.
21. You know how to pronounce and spell "Saskatchewan".
22. You perk up when you hear the theme song from 'Hockey Night in
23. You are in grade 12, not the 12th grade.
24. "Eh?" is a very important part of your vocabulary, and is more
polite than, "Huh?"
25. You actually understand these jokes, and forward this link to all of your
Canadian friends!
Now for the giveaway part!
We will celebrate Canada Day this Friday and no Canada Day Celebration is complete without some Beverages! I am giving away 2 Gift Cards valued at $40.00
If you are in Ontario the 2 cards will be for The LCBO (The Liquor Control Board of Ontario) and for Tim Hortons. If you are outside of Ontario the 2 cards will be for Canadian Tire and Tim Hortons. Entry for this giveaway is really very simple. Each of the options counts as an entry
- Follow my blog on Google Friend Connect
- If you are already a follower leave me a comment telling me why you love Canada
- Check out my blog and leave a comment here telling me what you like about my blog
Happy Canada Day to all and Good Luck with my very first giveaway!!!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Ten on Tuesday
The topic for this week is10 Favorite Things About the Fourth of July
Here in Canada we don't celebrate the Fourth of July, we celebrate July 1st. So here is my list!
- Relax
- Enjoy a beverage or 2
- Enjoy some fireworks
- Visits with family and friends
- Swim
- Camping
- Curling up with a good book
- Celebrating the day after our anniversary (Year 16 this year!)
- Fishing
- Reflecting on the fact that we live in one of the best countries in the world!
This is where to find me!! |
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Crate Training.......
Oh the woes of a new puppy! She is pretty good for the most part and will stay in her crate during the day to sleep. We've had a few accidents in the house, but for the most part I am able to get her outside and get her business done. House training a puppy in the rain sucks but not as much as walking said puppy in the rain through every puddle at 11pm at night........
Good thing she's damn cute!!
Good thing she's damn cute!!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Our New Addition!
Please meet Maya! She is a purebred Siberian Husky who was born on April 21st! We picked her up on Friday and love her to pieces already!!!
Ten on Tuesday
I can't believe I haven't done Ten on Tuesday in a month.......
10 Books You Would Recommend to a Friend is the Ten on Tuesday Subject today!
Wow! I managed to get it done!!!
Wanna play along? Sign up here! Carole always comes up with great ideas that really gets your mind thinking!!
Thanks to Carole Knits for getting this organized every week!
10 Books You Would Recommend to a Friend is the Ten on Tuesday Subject today!
- Sacajawea written by Anna L. Waldo I remember my mom reading this when I was young and it took me until last summer to pick it up and read it. It took all summer too!
- The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini This was a great read!
- A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini Another great one
- All 3 of Stieg Larssen's books.
- Still Alice by Lisa Genova
- The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
- She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb
- Anything by Jodi Picoult
- Nora Roberts books are almost always a great read
- Janet Evanovich is an awesome writer. I've actually laughed out loud at some of her books
- Sean Costello is a local author as well as an Anesthesiologist at our local hospital (in fact he put me to sleep 3 weeks ago!)
Wow! I managed to get it done!!!
Wanna play along? Sign up here! Carole always comes up with great ideas that really gets your mind thinking!!
Thanks to Carole Knits for getting this organized every week!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Weekend Adventure
Back to the land of Blogging!! My hand is just about healed and aside from not having full strength in it I can pretty much be back to normal again!!
Here in photos is the adventure the girls had on the weekend.
Hubby was working all weekend, so I packed up Jo and a friend and off we went to camp. Friday night one of the campers found one baby raccoon all alone and she took it off to the wildlife refuge. The kids thought it was pretty cute. Saturday night the kids found 3 more. We told them to leave them alone until morning and if they were still alone we would take them in as well. By morning they had crawled to a nearby fire pit for the warmth and all 3 became residents in my trailer in a box until we could get them taken in. Jo and her Aunt fed them bananas and water and we kept them warm. All the kids had a grand time making collars for them (which we kept) and all 3 had names. If only we could have brought them home! It was a great experience for all of them and I have to admit, I thought it was kinda cool too!
Here in photos is the adventure the girls had on the weekend.
Hubby was working all weekend, so I packed up Jo and a friend and off we went to camp. Friday night one of the campers found one baby raccoon all alone and she took it off to the wildlife refuge. The kids thought it was pretty cute. Saturday night the kids found 3 more. We told them to leave them alone until morning and if they were still alone we would take them in as well. By morning they had crawled to a nearby fire pit for the warmth and all 3 became residents in my trailer in a box until we could get them taken in. Jo and her Aunt fed them bananas and water and we kept them warm. All the kids had a grand time making collars for them (which we kept) and all 3 had names. If only we could have brought them home! It was a great experience for all of them and I have to admit, I thought it was kinda cool too!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
I want to blog..........
However, Carpal Tunnel Surgery on my left hand is making life difficult. I am scheduled to get the brace and stitches out next Tuesday, so hopefully I will be back in the swing if things then!!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
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