Friday, December 31, 2010

Good Bye 2010

I had thoughts running through my head of all the bad things that happened in 2010 and how I was ready to kick this year to the curb, but then I decided that maybe I should focus on the good things that have happened.  I've been rather quiet in the blog department over the last week or so.  Partly because my routine has been upside down because hubby and Jo have been home and I don't have that quiet time in the morning that I normally use for blogging.  The other part is that over the holidays my depression decided to make an appearance.  My moods have been very up and down and that seems to be the norm for me at Christmas.  I think I'm on an upward path and maybe by next week when we are all back to our normal routines I'll start feeling better each day.

So, here are some of the good things that have happened over the last year!

  • I've been able to spend more time with Jo!
  • I've discovered my sewing machine again
  • I've rediscovered how wonderful hubby can be
  • I've been able to help my sister in many ways
  • I've been able to go into the classroom with Jo
  • I've learned who my friends really are
  • I'm learning more about myself
  • My father in law is 6 hours closer
  • I know what I want to be when I grow up
  • I started preserving again
  • Homemade Christmas was a hit!
  • I was able to travel the province and connect with family I had lost touch with
  • I started blogging again
  • I picked up my camera again

2010 was a tough year, but I've learned so many things on my way back up from where I was in May.  I lost my grampa, and although we all miss him like crazy it's comforting to know that he is no longer confined to a bed and hopefully where he is, now he is able to do the things he loved to do.  My mother said she finds comfort knowing that he is with his mom.  She died when grampa was only 2 and now he is with her and the rest of his family that had passed before him.

I'm hoping that 2011 brings good things for my family and that things will be easier for all of us!

2010 is on it's way out the door and with that brings the hope of happiness and health for everyone in 2011.

Happy New Year to All!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Tooth

I know I really should do a holiday recap, but this just seems like more fun!

There has been a loose front tooth in our house for ages and over the holidays it really became loose.  We were sure that on Boxing day it would come out , but waited until the day after.  I took some pictures just for fun!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

Today's Ten on Tuesday is
10 Intentions for the New Year

Let's see how this one goes!
  1. Eat healthier and lose some more weight
  2. Use the treadmill that is in the basement at least 2 time a week
  3. Stay organized time wise
  4. Keep the house tidier
  5. Open an Etsy store
  6. Get the ball rolling on going to school
  7. Spend more time doing family things
  8. Save money
  9. Get more involved at school with Jo
  10. Be Happy

Wanna play along?  Sign up here!
Thanks to Carole Knits for getting this organized every week!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Blogging in bed on my new IPAD!!!
Full update soon.
Hope everyone had a great day!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Operation Home Made Christmas......

is almost done!

I have my calendars at Staples to be cut to fit the CD cases, labels ready to go on jars, sewing is done, jewelery is done and all that needs to be finished are the baskets that some of the stuff is going into.

As for the rest
  • Santa is ready for action
  • Everything else is almost all wrapped
  • Almost all the groceries are bought
  • The house is almost clean (Thanks Mom)
  • One more day of school tomorrow
  • Guest/Playroom is ready for company
  • Laundry is waiting
I think doing a home made Christmas was good for me this year.  I still spent way too much money and over bought as usual, but my mind was occupied and that kept some of my depression at bay.  I had some tears, and I know there will be more but keeping busy has certainly helped.  This is a really hard time of year.  To get a Christmas Card from Nana and have only her name on it was heart wrenching to read, as I'm sure it was as difficult for her to write.

We have helped out this year as we have every year.  Maybe a little more so than we have in the past.  Jo's school adopted 2 families and we sent along some new jammies and panties for 2 of the girls on the list.  Our niece adopted a family and we bought diapers and formula for them.  This year too we helped to make sure that 2 boys who are dear to our hearts will have a good Christmas.  At times I feel almost guilty looking at all the gifts under our tree knowing that there are so many others who are not as fortunate as we are.

My grandfather always that said that when you give, you get back tenfold.  Knowing that an infant will have the proper nutrition for a couple of weeks, knowing that 2 girls will be going to bed in new Pajamas and that 2 boys will have the gifts they wanted under the tree is my "tenfold".

Jo knows too about helping out.  She picked the pajamas and took them to school and we bought the infant stuff at the same time.  I hope she realizes just how lucky she is.....

She is a funny little girl at times!  We stopped the other day to pick up a basket of Christmas plants for my mom.  I walked into the nursery and turned around and she was nowhere to be seen.  I realized that the door to the store was still open.  Another car had pulled in a just as we were getting out of our car and she was holding the door open for them.  I think she waited holding the door open for 2 or 3 minutes.  If only she could put those great manners to work at home!!

Ten on Tuesday

Today's Ten on Tuesday is
10 Last Minute Gift Ideas

Let's see if I can come up with 10!

1.  Gift Certificates
2.  Lottery Tickets
3.  Handmade Coupons for favors (babysitting, shoveling)
4.  Platter of Baking
5.  Framed Photos
6.  Loot Bags of Goodies from the Dollar Store
7.  Knitted Items from the stash that you knitted all year
8.  Christmas Decorations
9.  Christmas CD's or Movies
10. Candles and Holders

Wanna play along?  Sign up here!
Thanks to Carole Knits for getting this organized every week!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Still here.....

Please remind me next year that if I'm going to do a bunch of home made gifts, that I might want to start in January!

I really am enjoying making them and will share a few photos!

It's been a good kind of way..I'll update later this week about everything happening!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Sister

Back when I was in the first grade my parents brought home a baby.  The baby just happened to be a girl which meant that I now had to share my room.  My life would have been much simpler if she had been a boy.  Privacy went right out the window that day for me.  Although I was only 6 when she was born I vividly remember that I was late coming home from school and my dad came to find me and I think I he was a little upset that I didn't rush home to meet her.  I don't remember much more of that day but I do however have 36 years of memories.  Some are clear, some I care to forget and days like today are ones that I will cherish.  She snooped in my room, ratted me out for smoking when I was a teen, fell in love with some of my boyfriends, wore my clothes, followed me everywhere and was a pain in my neck most of the time. But,  I was the first one to see her stand up in her crib and the first one to see her crawl.  She wanted my brother's matchbox cars and I kept moving then further away!  I was such a bully!!!  Because there is a 6+ year age difference we had very little in common for many years.  I didn't find out until we were adults that she snooped in my room and wore my clothes and shoes because she thought I was cool.  I was the older sister.  I never thought of it that way, I'm the oldest.

Late 70's

After we both became adults we went through periods where we were friends and then we were enemies.  We talked on the phone for hours or fought through letters that we actually had to mail.  Then for whatever reason, something changed and we became best friends.  We can go for days without speaking, texting or even emailing.  We can go for weeks without seeing each other and yet friends we remain.

She is a strong woman, a tender and patient woman.  She lives her life with passion.  She has had a tough go of things over the last few years and yet she continues.  She has up days and down days but keeps herself going for her boys.  She has been a nurturing and loving mother to both of them and has made many sacrifices for both of them and puts their needs ahead of her own.  She is very independent and tough on the outside but if you really know her, you know that she is a soft and easily hurt on the inside.  I now look up to her.  I'm not sure that I could handle some of the things that have happened over the years as well has she has.

I try my best to help out when I can.  To help her and the boys, to be a good sister to her and a good friend as well.  She is turn does the same for me.

Today will be one of the days that I will cherish.  I treated her today to a day of pampering at a Day Spa.  We arrived and had pedicures together, she then had a manicure and I had a set of acrylic nails done.  She sat for an hour in the massage chairs and I hope forgot about everything for the afternoon.  It's not often that we make the time to do things together.  Between children, home and work there aren't enough hours to do things together.  I enjoyed watching her be pampered today.  She truly looked relaxed and content this afternoon.


My sister

It's days like today that remind me how lucky I am to have a sister!!!
I love you and am forever grateful that being sisters has made us friends!!!!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

Ten Things On Your To-Do List

I had this all done, hit one wrong key...and there it was.....Gone...
Here we go again!

1.  Christmas Cards.  They are in the envelopes and the labels are ready to be printed.  They need to go in the mail yesterday.
2.  Groceries.  We deep fry our turkeys so we need 2 that are less than 18lbs and I think I will do one in the oven too.  I have to get all the other groceries that go along with Christmas too!
3.  Shopping.  Nothing too big left to buy, but I also have to do some shopping for my Father in Law too.
4.  Sewing.  I have 2 quillows that are sold that I have to make and I ordered some fleece on eBay for Jo and am hoping that it's here by the time school is done on the 22nd so I can get hers made for Christmas too.
5.  My pampering appointment.  My sister and I are headed tomorrow for manicures and pedicures.  My gift to her!
6.  Wrapping.  Nothing is wrapped.  Fortunately Santa puts all of Jo's gifts into a Santa Sack that was mine when I was growing up, so that takes a little pressure off.
7.  Calendars.  I have to size the pictures and print them so they can be taken to the office supply store to be cut to the proper size.
8.  House cleaning.  This is an on going project and will probably be a last minute thing.  It seems the sooner I get it done, the quicker it gets messed again.
9. I have some receipts that have to be sent in for reimbursement. 
10.Hubby's HST return for November has to get done.  Thankfully I have until December 31st to get that done.

I know there is more......This is such a crazy time of year!  I tell myself every year that I'm going to be more organized.  Maybe next year!

Wanna play along?  Sign up here!
Thanks to Carole Knits for getting this organized every week!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Saying Goodbye

Last year on December 13th we said good bye to Grampa.  The ride from Nana's house to the hospital seemed to go by quicker although we didn't want it to. 

We arrived at the hospital and made our way to Grampa's room.  Jo was very reluctant to go near him.  He didn't look the same, his voice was all but a whisper and she was afraid of his catheter.  She asked us dozens of times on the drive home where it came from and what it was.  We stayed about half an hour trying to prolong the inevitable.  Saying Goodbye.  Jo played around writing on the white board and we tried to get her to climb up and cuddle with Grampa, but she would have nothing to do with it.  All I wanted to do was crawl up and cuddle with him.  I think we said goodbye a few times and finally I knew I had to go.  Jo and I both kissed him goodbye and I told him that I loved him and then left the room to give my mom some time alone with her dad.  I was in tears before we left the room.  Jo had such a hard time wondering why I was crying and I tried to explain to her that Grampa would soon be going to heaven and I was sad.  How do you explain it to a 6 year old?  We waited for Mom and I had to fight the urge to go back in.  We went downstairs and I thought I was OK.  I had to use the bathroom before we started our journey back and through the door I could her a gentleman talking to Jo asking her how old she was and what she wanted for Christmas.  He then told her that he had a granddaughter just about her age and how he was looking forward to spending Christmas with her.  I lost it. The tears were flowing and there was nothing I could do to stop them.  Mom and I finally pulled ourselves together and started the journey home.  I am thankful that Mom was with me to keep me occupied in conversation and to know that I wasn't alone in my grief that day. 

There are moments in time that will never be forgotten and this is one of them.  I miss him....

Sunday, December 12, 2010


We are in the midst of our first real storm of the season!  They are calling for upwards of 40cm (15inches).  The last picture was taken just a few minutes ago and it's still raging outside!!!!

December 2nd

December 10th
December 12th

Thursday, December 9, 2010

December is Broken Hearts Month

December is a very hard month for so many people for so many different reasons.  This is supposed to be a season of happiness....not for everyone though.

I am coming up on the one year mark of starting to smoke again after 26 months.  It coincides with the same weekend that I said good bye to Grampa for the last time.  For years I cried every time we said good bye, but the last time we knew it would be the last visit.  We picked up some Pillsbury cookie dough and made cookies for Nana and took some to the hospital for Grampa.  He took one small bite and told Jo how good it was and put it aside.  This coming from the man that had to have dessert after every meal.  I am dreading the anniversary of my last conversation, my last hug and last time I heard him say I love you.  3 generations of women walked out of the hospital that day knowing that we wouldn't ever have another moment.  My mom said good bye to her father, I to my grandfather and Jo to her great grandfather. I will post more on that next week.  It's been in my head for ages......

I have a dear friend I've never met "in real life". We've been online friends for almost 10 years.  She is part of a great group of friends who met online while undergoing the trials and tribulations of infertility.   She successfully had a frozen embryo transfer and found out 2 days ago that at 10 weeks the baby no longer has a heartbeat and she will be undergoing a D&C tomorrow.  I know how difficult it is to lose a pregnancy at 4 and 6 weeks and vividly remember what she will be going through emotionally.  She will be in my thoughts all day tomorrow. This was to be the final Christmas as a family of 4 and next year there was supposed to be 5.

In September another friend lost her 48 year old husband suddenly.  Last Christmas was the first one without her father and this one will be without her husband who was her best friend.  I just can't imagine....To be 45 and widowed..

I struggle with December.  It is better now that Jo has come into our lives.  I still grieve for the children that might have been, the children that we wanted so badly.  I am more than content to have such a wonderful daughter who brings love, laughter and joy into many lives, not just ours.  There have been times this month where I've wanted nothing to do with Christmas and then there are other times that I am thrilled that it's the festive season again.  It is an emotional roller coaster at times.

If nothing else this Holiday Season, please remember that the lady in front of you who is cranky and miserable might be hurting. She might have lost someone dear and is facing difficulties at Christmas.  Maybe she can't make it home for the Holidays or she won't be seeing her children.  Maybe her children might be wanting something for Christmas and there just isn't enough money in the budget this year.  The happy faces that you see are sometimes just a mask.  I have worn that mask and as soon as I was away from people the mask came off and the tears started.  Emotions run very high at this time of year.  Take the time to hold the door, offer your place in line or give up the good parking spot. Try to remember that there is always someone else in worse shape than you....

It's what the season is all about.........

What a week........

My Father in Law is just about settled in his new place.  Thankfully we moved him out of London before they got a huge amount of snow. Here is a story with pictures!  When we left on Saturday afternoon there was just a light dusting on the ground.  Thankfully we booked the move for last weekend and not this weekend.  I have been out to his place a few times and will head out again today.  I have a few more things to pick up for him and a few more things to put in place, but so far all is well. 

My sewing has sat ignored since last week and I hope to do some this afternoon and maybe tonight as well.  I did manage to get all my beads sorted with the help of my sister in law so maybe I'll get some more of that done too before Christmas.  I finally received my empty CD cases to make calendars as gifts and have to go and pick up some extra ink so I can get them done too.  The countdown is on.  16 days until the big day.

We have found a new tutor who teaches all in french and is familiar with the Early Reading Intervention Program.  She is a little bit more expensive, but I think in the end it will all be worth it.  I felt very bad last night "breaking up" with our other tutor, but she understood.  She was great and her enthusiasm almost made up for her lack of french, but we really need to focus on the second language right now.

I'm off an running for the day!  I will be back and hopefully have some pictures of my creations that I really hope to get to in the basement later today!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

Today's topic is 10 Favorite Holiday Movies

1.  A Charlie Brown Christmas-One of my faves growing up
2.  The Grinch Who Stole Christmas-The Original Cartoon
3.  Home Alone
4.  Home Alone 2
5.  The Santa Clause
6.  The Santa Clause 2
7.  Christmas Shoes-The good cry Christmas movie
8.  Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
9.  Christmas Vacation-Gotta love Chevy Chase
10.One Magic Christmas-I actually know on of the actresses!

Wanna play along?  Sign up here!
Thanks to Carole Knits for getting this organized every week!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Weekend Bullets

It was a whirlwind......
1329km  (825 miles) and the total driving time in the truck was almost 19 hours in a 48 hour period.  I'm a little tired!
  • Thursday 9pm left for Sutton area
  • Thurday 1030pm white out conditions on highway
  • Friday 1am arrived
  • Friday 3am finally into bed
  • Friday 730am up and getting ready again
  • Friday 11am Eddie Bauer Outlet!!!
  • Friday 145pm bead shopping in Downtown Toronto
  • Friday 430pm Dixie Value Mall for late lunch and great Guess Deals
  • Friday 630pm stuck in traffic
  • Friday 830pm arrive at hotel in London
  • Friday 9pm supper at KFC
  • Friday 940 in the hot tub at the hotel
  • Friday 1130 in bed for the night
  • Saturday 7am up and getting ready for the day
  • Saturday 830 having Breakfast at Cora's
  • Saturday 10am short side trip to H&M
  • Saturday 11am at Dad's packing the remainder of his apartment
  • Saturday 130pm leaving Deleware en route to Sutton
  • Saturday 330pm having Swiss Chalet in New Market
  • Saturday 430pm leaving Sutton
  • Saturday 9pm arrive home only 10 minutes of white out driving
  • Sunday 1230am in bed for the night
  • Sunday 8am up for the day
  • Sunday 2pm taking the moving truck to Dad's new place
  • Sunday 530pm done unloading and back home
  • Sunday 7pm sat down to cabbage roll and perogie dinner
  • Sunday 9pm Dad's bedding and curtains in the washer
  • Sunday 11pm last load in the washer
  • Sunday 1115 sewing the zipper on the child's winter coat
  • Sunday 1130 sitting down to blog when I should be in bed....
  • Sunday 1140 finishing blog post and going to bed
  • The unpacking starts tomorrow
  • Happy to have my father in law 6 hours closer to us!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

At the tutor's

I'm sitting listening to my child learning more french. This is the second session with a teacher who is learning along with her. She is a very nice lady, retired teacher and I'm not sure how it will work out. The drive to her home takes an hour round trip and I would kind of like someone to come to our home. Time will tell and we'll take it one session at a time....Je pense

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ready for Action

Is it laziness or is it so getting dressed will be that much quicker?