Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

Today's Ten on Tuesday is Ten Way to be More Organized

This one comes at a great time!  After the Holidays Purge and Sort is under way.  It's an annual event it seems.......

  1. A place for everything and everything in it's place.  Easier said than done
  2. Calendars.  I try to keep track of appointments and such on one big calendar above my desk
  3. Dealing with mail as it comes.  I am terrible at stacking the mail and then having to spend too much time all at once opening and sorting it.
  4. Stick to routines.  Also easier said than done
  5. I should use the features on my Blackberry and Computer to remind me of things
  6. Plan.  Plan meals for the week, plan errands so that only one day is spent running them
  7. Tidy as you go.  This is something I really need to work at
  8. Stay on task.  I get sidetracked way to easily
  9. Avoid Facebook.  Nothing gets done with Facebook open on your computer
  10. Hire a Professional Organizer to whip you into shape.  I would need one on a weekly basis.......

Wanna play along?  Sign up here!
Thanks to Carole Knits for getting this organized every week!

1 comment:

  1. I'm horrible about the mail too. I just went through about 2 months worth of stuff and got it organized and filed.
